Liyade glases? I believe she means glasses... |
One source of comic relief here is the multitude of mispeled words and translations you'll find in store windows and around town. Above, for example, you'll see a sign in a shop window for Liyade's "Glases" -- fortunately anyone who needs glases will probably not be able to spot the mistake. Now some of you might be thinking, "C'mon, Jared... Don't be so hard on the poor shop owner. She's just trying to pander to wealthy foriegners to make a few bucks." Really, I'm sympathetic. Being here and trying to speak proper Chinese is one of the hardest things I've ever done, and I would likely make plenty of mistakes on my own shop window. However, in this case I cannot let it slide, for a simple Google translate entry of "眼镜" will reveal that the proper English speling is indeed "glasses" and not "glases." All I can say is, "C'mon, Liyade, get it together, girl!"
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