Tuesday, June 14, 2011


我房子装修非常好,有洗衣机、冰箱、微波炉、液晶有线电视、沙发、干湿分离的热水器、每个屋子有空调、每个屋子都能上网、每个屋子有写字台和衣柜。 附近生活和学习非常方便,银行(中行、建行、中信银行等)、餐馆(中西餐)、学校(清华大学、北京大学、北京语言大学、航空航天大学等)、超市(超市发、华润、易初莲花等)等都有。

I'm so glad there is a 液晶有线电视...

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Goals. Obligatory.

A dear friend of my asked me the other day: what are your goals for this year?

I hadn't thought so specifically about it until then.


1) Become adept at Chinese calligraphy.
2) Learn how to handle a wok.
3) Shanghai, Canton, Hong Kong, Taipei.
4) Read The Butterfly Lovers

Then he said...

And as you accomplish each one, you can write it on a scroll in Chinese calligraphy...

So he can look forward to that.