Monday, November 14, 2011

“One-Person, One-Picture" Project: Use Your Smile to Support Equal Rights for People Living with HIV/AIDS

The anti-discrimination NGO Yirenping (益仁平) is currently working on a "visual petition" to support equal rights for people living with HIV/AIDS in China. The idea of the project is to get 10,000 photos of people holding up signs with phrases such as:

"我愿意和HIV感染者做朋友" -- "I'm willing to be friends with people with HIV"
"我愿意和HIV感染者一起工作" -- "I'm willing to work with people with HIV"
"消除艾滋歧视共建和谐社会" --
"Eliminate AIDS discrimination and build a harmonious society together"

Yirenping has already collected 5,000 photos, but they need another 5,000 before the end of the month. After the photos are collected, Yirenping will post the photos on their blog and submit the "petition" to the 卫生部 to call for reforms that would forbid employment discrimination against people living with HIV/AIDS. Last year, Yirenping played a prominent role in bringing the first HIV discrimination lawsuit to ever be accepted by a court in China. They lost, but the fact that they got the court to accept the case was a major step forward (previously, courts rejected hearing such cases outright).

If you're interested in participating, please let me know.  If you're uncomfortable with your Chinese ability, I can send you a sign you can print out.  Or better yet, if you do speak Chinese, just make your sign and send me your photo! Your help would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you!

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